Million Victories wins with Pecan’s SKAN solution | Pecan AI
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Million Victories wins with Pecan’s SKAN solution

Pecan’s predictive analytics solution restored insights lost to SKAN and guided informed, effective decisions.

Mobile game developer
Company stats
Top-rated game developer with over 2 million downloads and 200K monthly players for their most popular game
pLTV for iOS marketing
Platform use case
Predictive Analytics for SKAN
Data stack
Unity Analytics, Adjust, BigQuery, Datadog
It's a high impact. We were kind of blind before, but now we can optimize on real data.

When SKAN impaired Million Victories’ ability to efficiently manage iOS user acquisition campaigns, Pecan’s predictive analytics solution restored their insights and guided informed, effective decisions.


Million Victories, based in Lyon, France, makes the highly popular Million Lords massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game. With Apple’s SKAdNetwork rollout, the company found itself with much less information available to optimize its campaigns for the game. 

With a significant part of its marketing budget allocated to reaching iOS users, Million Victories wanted to be sure these resources were used efficiently to reach high-value players. 

Faced with a high cost per install (CPI), the User Acquisition team needed to have the best understanding of their campaigns’ results. Million Lords players enjoy the game and are willing to spend, with an ARPDAU of up to about $4.50 in Tier 1 countries and an ARPPU of around $33. Acquiring new, enthusiastic players is extremely valuable.

“We were struggling to get a clear vision of our performance per campaign. Specifically, we wanted to anticipate our ROAS at Day 7 because we use this metric to optimize all our campaigns,” says Pauline Berger, lead user acquisition manager at Million Victories.

The UA team tried other strategies to address the challenges presented by SKAN, including various conversion schemas and internal data projects. However, the UA team ultimately found that Pecan was the right partner to help them solve the SKAN dilemma.

“The team from Pecan is very qualified. They know what they’re talking about. It’s easy to be confident in them,” Pauline says.


Pecan’s predictive solution has helped Million Victories regain visibility into their iOS campaigns’ performance. 

The UA team evaluates Pecan’s predictions in the platform’s customized dashboards, which display the predicted ROAS per campaign. Once the SKAN postbacks are received, the campaign-level predictions are presented in the dashboards, and the UA team can make informed decisions. With the predicted ROAS, they can make informed decisions about each campaign, including whether to increase its budget or stop it.

With this rapidly available information, the team now has far greater confidence in their decision-making for their iOS campaigns. They’ve increased their budget allocation from just 20% to 50% for iOS and, as such, have been able to secure more high-value players for Million Lords.

“It’s a high impact. We were kind of blind before, but now we can optimize on real data,” Pauline says.

The UA team is considering additional ways that predictive analytics can help them maximize their budget’s impact.

Understanding and anticipating the future with Pecan’s predictive analytics solution has empowered the Million Victories UA team — driving more important wins for this fast-growing developer.
